Personal Dust Monitoring

A personal monitor with data analytics to control exposure to dust

Personal dust monitoring to put you in control

If you have concerns as to whether your dust control measures are effective in preventing lung disease then let technology give you that insight.

In industries such as construction, workers are 100 times more likely to die from an occupational disease than a workplace accident. Prolonged exposure to harmful dust can result in employees developing debilitating conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Silicosis in later life.

Yet it is possible to protect workers’ health and prevent such dreadful outcomes. When you understand the health hazards and have evaluated the risks, then you’re in a position to effectively control exposures.

But, given many respiratory hazards cannot be seen by the naked eye, how can you be sure you have effectively controlled the hazard?

We bring you the Trolex XD1+ as your connected personal dust monitor, supported by Reactec’s robust workplace wearable’s and cloud-based Analytics. We’re leveraging revolutionary real-time personal monitoring technology with automatic data collection and powerful data analytics to help you control exposure to harmful respirable dust like never before.

Introducing the Trolex XD1+

The Trolex XD1+ is real-time personal dust monitor that is changing the way we fight respiratory diseases in the workplace.

The XD1+ delivers instant alerts for fully customisable short-term exposure limit (STEL) and time-weighted average (TWA) measurements from a range of harmful particulates (PM1, PM2.5, PM4.25 to PM10).

With no filters, pumps, tubes, or replaceable parts, the XD1+ is one of the most compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use real-time personal dust monitors on the market.

The XD1+ is low maintenance, high-impact kit, which contains an automatic self-test routine and a two-minute maintenance cycle to be performed just four times per year.

Switch it on, secure it in place, and get to work. That’s it. Particle sampling made simple.

  • No daily calibration or deteriorating sampling
  • Built to last in heavy industrial environments
  • Range of mounting options
  • No return to base serving required
  • Zero compromise on accuracy and reliability

Learn how British stone manufacturers, Burlington Stone, trialled the Trolex XD1+ to see how real-time personal dust monitoring could improve their safety processes.

Device Components

XD1+ Accessories

XD1+ Datasheet

Download the Trolex XD1+ product datasheet for more detailed information.

Connected Dust Monitoring and Reactec Analytics:

Reactec’s cloud-based analytics platform brings XD1+ exposure data to life by delivering real-time updates from individual workers to remote supervisors, and tracking respirable data, to determine where the highest concentration of dust exists in your workplace.

  • Remove guesswork with accurate and real-time dust monitoring
  • Personalise dust monitoring against specific workers
  • Identify the source and location of exposure and prioritise high risk areas
  • GDPR compliant management of personal risk data
  • Review tailored risk reports, add interventions and assess control measures
  • Manage multiple health risks (dust, noise, vibration, proximity hazards) on a single platform

‘Our company recently undertook a dust monitoring trial which used Reactec’s RASOR unit and the Trolex XD1+. We found the technology to be remarkably efficient and reliable. The report analysis provided on the Reactec Analytics platform gave us valuable insights, highlighting its seamless integration into our workflow. Moreover, the precise monitoring and alert features greatly enhanced our operational awareness’.

Operational Director, A.D. Calvert

Download the XD1+ and data analytics flyer

Download Reactec's flyer on Personal Dust Monitoring with Data Analytics.

How does it work?

With the support of Reactec’s ecosystem, the XD1+ is transformed into a connected, personalised dust monitoring device that shares invaluable data insight to key stakeholders.

The Trolex XD1+ is integrated into the Reactec ecosystem using the Reactec RASOR device as an IoT Gateway to Reactec’s powerful Analytics software.

Live Exposure Data with RASOR

There are two modes of working for the XD1+ with RASOR

One to One:
  • Assign a RASOR device to a worker and pair the device with the XD1+ to personalise all data collected
  • Personal dust monitoring data is enhanced by using RASOR’s GPS location information

If the worker is also wearing an R-Link watch during monitoring there will be a precise overlay of dust and vibration data, including where it took place in real-time.

One to Many:
  • The RASOR remains at a fixed location within a powered charger in ‘hub’ mode
  • A single RASOR device is used to allocate an unlimited number of XD1+ monitors to specific workers
  • The exposure dust data is transmitted to the Reactec Analytics at the end of the shift when the XD1+ has been deallocated or when the XD-One+ comes within 30m range of the RASOR

Get in touch and book a demo

For more information about our personal dust monitoring capability with data analytics,  and to book your demonstration, contact a member of the team today:

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